Making Japanese Manufacturing Stronger

100 Years of Continuous Support for Japanese Manufacturing

MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES celebrated its 100th year in business.
Since our founding in 1920, we have operated as a “Supporting Industry Company,” supporting the manufacturing sector in order to make Japanese manufacturing stronger. 
Our work together with customers to seriously address and resolve a range of issues faced on by frontlines of manufacturing over the years has culminated in the technologies and expertise that define MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES today. By leveraging relationships of outstanding trust earned through dealings with some of the best-known names in manufacturing in Japan's Chubu region, today we support manufacturing across a broad spectrum of industries nationwide. 


From product planning to production, provide total solutions that resolve the full range of issues at every site of manufacturing imaginable


High Level Specialization in Both Manufacturing Support and Product Development Support


MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES provides best choice, high-value-added total solutions through collaboration between the marketing, SE and engineering teams of each marketing division, the Solutions Division and the Engineering Division. Not limited to the sale of FA components, we are capable of responding to a full array of needs at the frontlines of manufacturing, ranging from fabrication and special product development and manufacturing customized to the requirements of individual customers, to the delivery of complete manufacturing lines. With a base of sophisticated FA engineering technologies and a wealth of achievements and experience, we have gained a strong reputation from a wide range of fields in the manufacturing sector.


Support Structure

To respond to the diverse needs of our customers, we offer total support for manufacturing spanning everything from R&D to production and quality assurance. In addition to exclusive machinery, we respond to every customer need imaginable, from components to manufacturing lines to the development and manufacture of special products.


Proposal of Optimal Components
System Proposals
Information Provision for Equipment and Processes 
Trend Information Provision


Analytic and breakdown services
Optimization  Proposal
Defining of requirements



Systems development
Design and production, quality assurance
Process management, safety assurance
Upkeep and maintenance



We conduct marketing activities specifically tailored to production materials in order to meet our customers' diverse needs.
In addition to proposing new commercially viable materials, we leverage EMS and the manufacture of custom goods, along with our proprietary logistics, to support every area related to product design. 


Optimal components
Commercial materials development
Imported finished goods
Exhibits to showcase our products


Customization support and specialized machinery development
EMS substrate mounting
ASSY, UNIT conversion, base building

Quality assurance system
EDI and Kanban method support
Delivery schedule and production cancellation management



In a move to realize highly expandable systems that grow with our customers, our SE tailored to each field of specialization provides comprehensive support.
In this way, we propose optimal system for productivity enhancement, quality enhancement and energy efficiency. 

System proposals
Inspection and evaluation
Upkeep and service
IoT promotion
BCP measures
■Robot and Mechatronics

Assembly and conveyance equipment
Robot automation equipment
Robot startup and maintenance support tools


■System Integration

Productivity enhancement
Quality and safety
Environment and energy efficiency




Armed with definitive knowledge and proposal capabilities, we help to revolutionize manufacturing processes.
Based on a core of expertise and technologies gained from a robust track record in delivery, we promote total systems engineering in the fields of control, measurement, information and mechatronics, answering every need that emerges at production sites. 



Various inspection systems
Production data guidance


Inspection equipment
Environmental inspection equipment


Development support
Unit board development


To support companies competing worldwide amid ongoing globalization, we are supporting our customers' overseas production efforts through close ties in and outside of Japan, with our mission to “make Japanese manufacturing stronger” firmly in mind. Our global-level support includes localized equipment fabrication, equipment startup, and the supply of materials and components for equipment fabrication and maintenance.   


Optimal procurement
Inspection of unlabeled products
Supply of authorized goods
■Inventory and Cost

Inventory support
Exchange rate risk containment
Foreign currency support

■Customized Service

VA/CD proposals
Application proposals
Multi-language support



Local fabrication
Pursuit of Japan-level quality




Value to Customers

Providing Solutions for the 4 Most Critical Production Site Needs


We make your competitive edge stronger.

In step with globalization, high productivity rivaling factories in emerging countries is in demand. With the focus now on enhancing the efficiency, centralized management and production flexibility of production sites at home and abroad, the demand for equipment utilization rates at overseas production sites is growing.
At MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, we propose tools and parts for realizing shorter processes in the product development cycle from the initial development phase. In production process phases, we support greater production site visibility and propose current status analysis. We then share any frontline issues with customers, provide data offering hints at how to improve and innovate, and propose engineering for achieving these changes, thereby contributing to a stronger competitive edge for our customers. 


In pursuit of customer trust and satisfaction.

Guided by “Trust” as our corporate philosophy, we pursue customer trust and satisfaction, working hard to showcase the kinds of functions customers have come to expect, always with their perspective in mind. To put this philosophy into practice, we developed an ISO 9001 management system within the Engineering Division, and promote ongoing improvement activities.
To continue to provide high-quality finished products, MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES conducts its own proprietary audit of manufacturers. Additionally, to help improve quality, we do everything from providing performance and durability evaluation equipment at the initial development phase to providing tools for determining current status and improvement activities during the production phase.  


We promote activities for reducing environmental load.

With balance between the environment, companies and people in mind, every member of our workforce takes action to ensure MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES is a company that protects the natural environment vital to all of us and earns society's trust through environmental protection activities. 
Our contribution spans many areas. For initiatives designed to reduce customers' environmental load, we propose basic materials at the product development phase and inspection systems for development evaluation; furthermore, during the production phase, our efforts include proposing devices for energy efficiency and rationalization, ways for efficient energy usage, as well as the collaborative development of recycling systems.  


Safety takes priority above all else.

Safety is the highest priority before all else. We recognize proposing and providing products and services that function safely and can be used reliably as our responsibility, and take action together with customers guided by this directive. 
When it comes to construction work, we promote a smooth construction process by establishing a system for managing safety, sanitation and environmental impact, moving from the start to conduct risk assessment and head off potential disasters, accidents and environmental pollution. By creating safe customer workplace environments and introducing new technologies in line with future considerations, we propose the creation of even safer facilities. 



Strengths Supporting Our Business Model

Building Proprietary Systems and Knowhow Supporting Japanese Manufacturing Domestically and Globally


Over many years in business, MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES has built a strong record of success through relationships of trust cultivated with many of Japan's best-known companies. We view the experiential knowledge and confidence gained in the process as assets that are now major strengths. Ultimately, our expertise and firsthand knowledge-backed by the solid relationships of trust we have built-are the sources of the high-added-value solutions that MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES delivers.



Trusted Supplier Network

MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES has sophisticated functions that place it in the top class of trading companies in FA electrical machinery. We have a powerful pipeline with many of Japan's best-known FA equipment makers, with a structure in place capable of supplying an array of outstanding products from some 3,000 companies. Beyond the delivery of these products to production sites, we boast unbeatable product capabilities and a handling scale that enable MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES to meet every conceivable client need, including inspection and analysis equipment for R&D divisions. 


Boasting the Industry's Largest Engineering Team

Boasting the Industry's Largest Engineering Team 
Since our founding, we have leveraged deep experience and results over our long history to build a base of advanced technologies that can answer all production site issues and needs. The engineering team supporting our technological capabilities has a structure in place that, when development, design, manufacturing, SE and SI are combined, proudly gives it the largest scale in the industry. 

Supporting Japanese Manufacturing Worldwide

MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIESs flexibly strengthens, enhances and enlarges its network in line with customer needs. Today, we are opening bases outside of Japan in the U.S., the U.K, China and Thailand. We have organic ties to each base, allowing for meticulous attention to customer needs as we robustly support customers in the launch of overseas production sites and facility expansion and establishment. 


1-Day Delivery to Meet Strict Customer Delivery Schedules

With “fast” and “accurate” as basic policies in distribution, we help shrink manufacturing lead times at production sites and reduce procurement costs. Our distribution center in Nagoya, Japan, plays a central role here. All goods for delivery are first consolidated at the distribution center. Through collaboration with logistics centers in every region of the country, we deliver ordered products to customers across Japan, making “1-Day Delivery” a reality. Furthermore, we build distribution service systems, and take steps to enhance both distribution quality and service efficiency.  


In-house Production Sites for Meeting Customization Needs

Beyond the sale of FA equipment in use at customers’ manufacturing facilities, another trait of MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES is engineering functions that upgrade these systems and meet customer needs. To take these engineering functions to an even higher level, our in-house design and manufacturing departments take the lead in the development and manufacture of processes and special products tailored to individual customer needs, and the development of proprietary brand products with functions and quality not found in general-use products. These and other advantages set MEIJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES apart as even more distinct.